Graphical Chewing Analysis Tool:
  1. Visualization tool for chewing movement sequences for Windows:

    (last update: November 15 2021 19:59:31.)
  2. Test file for jaw3d:

An SVG screen dump example (stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2")
Installation and start instructions
  1. Save the zip file
    on your PC in your work directory (click on it with the right mouse button and select "Save target as").
  2. Save the test file
    on your PC in your work directory (click on it with the right mouse button and select "Save target as").
  3. Unzip the file and start the
    program from your
  4. Drag the sample file
    and drop it anywhere to the
    program window.
Chewing cycle analysis program

This program analyzes movement data and generates SVG translation / rotation diagrams.

Save the program on your computer and unzip the zip file. Copy the executable program that was created after unzipping the zip file into your working directory.

If you do not have own data, download the test files TR_test_1.txt, TR_test_2.txt or TR_test_3.txt (right-click on the file name with the mouse and save the link).

When you have saved the TR_evaluation program and the test files on your PC, slide the test file over the program. An input window opens while the data is being processed. A few seconds later the command prompt closes and new files are created in your working directory. These are the resulting tables.

(last update: December 12 2021 17:22:08.)

  1. rotradi_test_1.txt
  2. rotradi_test_2.txt
  3. rotradi_test_3.txt
EMG analysis programm

The program analyzes electromyography (EMG) of movement data.

Save the program on your computer and unzip the zip file. Copy the executable program that was created after unzipping the zip file into your working directory.

If you do not have own data, download the test files EMG_test_1.txt, EMG_test_2.txt or EMG_test_3.txt (right-click on the file name with the mouse and save the link).

When you have saved the EMG_evaluation program and the test files on your PC, slide the test file over the program. An input window opens while the data is being processed. A few seconds later (about 10 seconds) the command prompt closes and a text file is created in your working directory. This text file contains the evaluation of the electromyography.

  1. EMG_test_1.txt
  2. EMG_test_2.txt
  3. EMG_test_3.txt